Don’t be a Rush Vincent is based on an actual case study of a 37yr unemployed man from London called Rush Vincent who spent the majority of his life not taking it serious. Abusing women with obsessing distressing behaviour. Claiming housing benefits, housing benefit and fraudulently claiming disability allowance because he is too lazy to get a job and stalking women as well as ex partners and whoever they move on with. He also made up false allegations of abuse so that he could increase his co parenting time to 50% so he could claim more child benefits. He is currently residing living off his latest partner who like thousands of other women was tricked in to having a child with him and now he is in control of her benefits to. Any information on her details you can send in as we are concerned about her welfare due to Rush Vincent’s behaviour of over the last two decades.

When a serial offender is left to go and carry out there acts for too long you later see there behaviour enhance drastically.

His most recent act was grooming a woman who had information on a guy he was obsessed with and then having her illegally recorded in a restaurant so that he could later try and send it on 12 months later to a guy who had been stalking for 3 years. It’s not just women he does to. It’s men to. It’s now about exposing this type of behaviour and cementing it in the public domain so that it’s known if you do these types of things it will not be done in silence. You will be exposed. There are also cases of revenge porn by Rush Vincent where he sends intimate photos of girls he has dealt with who put there trust in him and he later uses that against the females as blackmail. This is to control them. Evidence will be provided of this also.

He usually operates on Snapchat and Instagram where he also likes to post up convos with females who later become his victim in an attempt to shame them.

This must be stopped. This is a pledge to anyone with information / evidence on Rush Vincent to send it on to

There have also been cases of Rush setting up hidden cameras in hotel rooms to lure his victims in record them so that he can use them for future use. He calls himself the receipt King and his proud of it.

Ultimately what we have here is the perfect example of what you don’t want to be in this life. What you don’t want to represent. It’s a man who started off in life getting attention from girls, meet them, entertain them etc and that’s ok when your a teenager but then as you start to age in life then it comes down to taking life serious. Working hard. Having a career where you can grow and ultimately being able to provide for your family and be a role model. This is something that Rush Vincent failed at and this is due to the mistakes he made in life and is now paying the price by being a 37yr old man on benefits. Lazy and when drinks alcohol goes on a rampage of offending. This case study be the Rush Vincent 2024 and it’s here to say.

We would like to thank our sponsor who’s done so much for our culture and continue to do so by leading by example and showing the world not only to become successful, but become it and keep it humble. We stand alongside you. 🫡

Anyone with any information on Rush Vincents abuse please be sure to email it in. These vultures are living amongst us hidden in society right under your nose. It’s time to name them and shame them.

Also any photos, videos or screenshots please also send in and we can assure you your anonymity will be kept secret. This is about one vulture and that’s Rush Vincent. If this man has contacted you on social media or your in contact with him please be careful and stay alert.



Signs of being a Rush Vincent also known as a LVM (low value man)

Emotional intelligence accounts for 80% of success in life.

I don’t believe much in quantifying something that is (extremely) hard to measure.
But emotional intelligence does account for a major portion of one’s life success and fulfillment.

Emotional intelligence includes:

Self-awareness (knowledge of himself)

Self-management (managing one’s own emotions)

Social awareness (understanding other people’s emotions)

Relationship management (developing positive relationships)

Emotional is what allows us to control our emotions, keep doing what we don’t want to necessarily do, and keep positive relationships.

Men with low emotional intelligence tend to show erratic behavior, jump from one thing to another, fail to accumulate resources and power, and fail to climb dominance hierarchies. Finally, they have little social awareness.

Since being a Rush Vincent man has no personal drive, they also have little passion and little personal success in life.

However, they might still be passionate about something and still seek to enjoy wins.
How do they do it? By living vicariously. Looking for victims. Trapping them. Abusing them. Controlling them. Blackmailing them. One woman has been a victim of him for 17 years of her life. She has not been allowed to move on with her life in peace after falling victim to him.

A Rush Vincent man is passionate about things, goals, and dreams that either add no value to their lives or that lie outside of their control. They tend to only communicate with people who like them have nothing going on in life or may be going through some difficult stages in there life where they are vulnerable. This is when the victim then becomes tricked by his deceitful ways. Predators tend to talk about there made up families deaths and so on or something sad to create sympathy for themselves to lure victim in to entrapment.

A Rush Vincent type of man has no purpose and the very nature of that purpose makes them a Rush Vincent.

Some examples of poor quality rush vincent purposes:

To destroy something, someone, or a group of people

To antagonise someone, or a group of people (feminists / bitter men)

Some not-so-great purposes also include:

Sleep with as many women as possible

Abuse women

Impreganate women and not provide for them

Do or collect and distribute women’s nudes to other women.

A big ego with skills is called cocky.

A big ego with no skills is called Rush Vincent (delusional).

A big ego alone is not enough to condemn a man to the basement of social pariahs.
A big ego with matching skills and results, for example, is what people might call arrogant (see McGregor or the “young gun” dominance style for example).

Arrogance is not a positive trait, yet it can be perversely charismatic when people around you need the strength of conviction.

The real tragedy is when a big ego is not matched by skills, competence, and results.

Then you truly get a big balloon of hot air, and people never fail to avoid those (if you wanna see an extreme example, see the YouTube videos of nobodies claiming “do you know who I am?”. These are Rush Vincents.

Rush Vincent men are rush vincent men for many reasons.

They are boring, unexciting, contagiously depressed, and they never move forward.

Title all of this. Rush Vincent secretly having girls recorded who he takes out for blackmail purposes.

Rush Vincent making videos in victims homes whilst they are out the room for future blackmail

Ultimately Rush Vincent has a long history of abuse where he targets women and his ex partners. Targets the new partners of his ex’s and then goes on a serial attack out of bittnerness and jealousy. Even in the screenshots you see how he will message one person being a chatty patty and then message another person contradicting himself claiming to be a big man.

Any further information or screenshots. Write to us at or complete the box below.

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